To My Fellow Indie Authors…


To my fellow indie authors,

I see you. I see you sipping your third coffee, trying desperately to pick out the typos from your novel. I see you Googling how to format for Kindle on your laptop. I see you begging the one friend you know who is Photoshop-friendly to please, please, please create a book cover for you. I see you. I am you.

Sure, self-publishing has its perks. We get full say over every decision made concerning our work (a double edged sword, I assure you). We have no contract signing our creative masterpiece away. And if we’re lucky to sell even a quarter of the amount self-published author Amanda Hockings has, the profits mostly remain in our own wallet. But the obstacles we unavoidably face without an agent and publishing house are a bitch, to say the least. You would think that in an age so axed on technology that tweeting about your book would be enough but it simply isn’t. There are blog tours, book trailers, Goodread giveaways, and the list goes on and on.

I see you and I know how difficult this literary game is – I’ve been there myself – which is why I have put so much emphasis on indie writers here on the blog. 90% of what I review comes from self-published authors. This isn’t a random occurrence. There are loads of great undiscovered authors out there and I hope to have the opportunity to share some of them with my followers.

If you are an indie writer looking for a review, check out my review policy page for more information.

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